Procon provided owner’s representation services for the redevelopment of the 500,00 sf, historic Old Post Office Building for a five-star luxury hotel.

For years, the iconic Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue sat underused and in need of new life. Procon provided management and oversight for the public/ private partnership to develop the historic building for a five star luxury hotel.

Our team assisted in the selection of the private sector developer and the negotiation of the longterm ground lease, and continues to support the owner, providing executive project management services and overseeing various planning and regulatory activities.

Key Responsibilities
  • Assisted in the development of land-use strategies to maximize the financial return to the government while maintaining the public interest and respecting historic preservation and environmental goals
  • Coordinated multi-stage RFP process for the development of the property, and managed the developer selection process
  • Responsible for overseeing long-term lease negotiations with private developer and financial analysis of lease terms
  • Provide direct owner’s representation for all aspects of the project including coordination with developer, federal and local agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Coordinated National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) compliance including Section 106 meetings and related documents and agreements
  • Coordinated compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)